Livelihood Development

According to Nepal Living Standard Survey 2010/11, poverty rate has been declined to 25.2% compared with 41.2% from 1995/96.  Nepal is still considered as least developed country (145 out of 187 in the UNDP Human Development Index). To uplift Nepal from least developed country to developing country, it is essential to increase the rate of economic growth, engage youth in income generation activities and promote high value cash crop production. Nepal has high possibilities to substantially increase agricultural productivity. However, it has to put efforts to improve agricultural productivity by importing and innovating improved technologies, minimizing migration, improving financial access to quality inputs, and building capacity of change agents, which will provide a robust foundation for achieving sustainable poverty reduction.

  • Running a Saving and Credit Cooperative and provide micro loan to farmers
  • Livelihood Support to women and marginalized group
  • Support for organic farming and market link

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